Monday, September 7, 2009

Fuzzy/Hairy Navels

Entry #1 in my cocktail adventure! I will try to write an entry every time I make a new recipe from my Little Black Book of Cocktails. Today it was Fuzzy Navels and Hairy Navels:

2 parts peach schnapps
4 parts orange juice
Serve over ice

Same as above, add 1 part vodka

The important lesson I learned from this boozy adventure is that quality matters when it comes to peach schnapps! There is a difference between the $5 and $10 bottle! I've had these before and they've tasted much better because the peach flavor on this one was not so hot -- sweet in a not good way. Also, I'll put the main ingredients for all the recipes in my tags so if you're every looking for a drink to make with the booze you have sitting around, you can just search for the tag and see the recipe and review.

So not a brilliant start to my project, but a start nonetheless. I guess since pretty much everything else went swimmingly, I can't really complain. I moved in with Betsy today and setting up the furniture was pretty simple (I somehow tricked Betsy and my dad into putting together my complicated desk/shelving unit while my mom and I drank wine/were useless). I really like my space and think I will be happy living here with mi mejor amiga!

One flaw to the whole blogging the drinking plan is that I will likely be either drunk or really really sleepy for every entry I write for the next year. It could be interesting if not coherent. Okay, now to bed with me.

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