Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bellini/Kir Royale

I don't know if this picture is actually of a bellini, but I was having a hell of a time finding a really aesthetically pleasing photo that I could steal easily ;-) Bellinis are made of peach juice and champagne, like the fraternal twin of Buck's Fizz. Unfortunately, Safeway didn't have any kind of decent peach juice (only canned stuff that looked like it was 99% sugar and 1% artificial flavoring) so I thought I would just buy white peaches (they were in season and lovely) and make a peach puree to put with the champagne. Word of warning: peach juice is very different than peach puree, even if you do add sugar. I could barely taste the peach against the champagne and the texture was weird. Usually it's good to go with the freshest method possible when making drinks, but not when you have no idea what the hell you're doing. If you can find peach juice or find out how to make peach juice from peaches, go for it because I've had these at restaurants before and they're really delicious.
The Kir Royale was much better, but I don't really remember how it tasted because it was so long ago. It would be worth ordering though ;-) Just add champagne to a splash of Creme de Cassis.

Enjoy and bottoms up!

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